This page outlines Updates and Interpretations that affect testing.
DOT and TC have indicated that they will offer flexibility due to COVID-19 delays. They will be posting a notice to their webpage soon. This includes RIN renewals and Hazmat Training.
See the PHMSA Statement on training HERE.
Visit the PHMSA Website on COVID-19: HERE
See the TC Statement on training here: English / Français.
Visit the TC Website on COVID-19: HERE
If your RIN is due to expire, you must notify them at least 60 days prior to expiration that due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, you have been unable to secure an IIA audit. You must send your letter to:
You can simply state that due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, you have been unable to secure an IIA audit and/or training. Include your RIN number, and request a 6 month extension/grace period, in order to get the situation resolved.
If your Hazmat Training is due to expire, you do NOT need to list every test operator whose training may expire. A simple notification that you are doing everything possible to stay current for all training in the facility is sufficient.
Many Special Permits can still be used, others cannot. **Updated 10/27/2021**
Be Careful! These cylinders cannot be requalified, they are to be condemned.
Click Here to find out. While this is no change or update, you may have been given the wrong information! Here also is DOT's Letter of Interpretation.
Check this out! This may be different from what you have heard in the past. NOTE: DOT's comment, "A cylinder marked to certify that it conforms to HMR requiremnents must be maintained in accordance with applicable specification requirements whether or not it is transported in commerce at any particular time." See Letter of interpretation.
Click here for the DOT response.
Click here for the Federal Register Update.
Click here for the DOT response.
Hey! Now HERE is a GOOD response!!! Get the 3HT letter on paintball cylinders.